Monday, October 20, 2008

Visits from strangers

Back east! My body shivers underneath turtleneck sweaters and barely feels the heat that is constantly being pumped into the room by the furnace. Quite a shock to the body to go from 100F to 40F. The soreness in my throat threatens to take me down, but I am fighting it. Tomorrow there will be flurries. Snow! With it, the splendor of the foliage will soon disappear. I am glad that at least I got to see it even though it is already past peak.

I had missed the trees and the fields in these parts. Bizarre! I spent forty years hating this place; I thought it was dull and tacky and now, for reasons I cannot explain, I am so much at peace in this hick town.

Mountains of mail awaited me. I have managed to make several piles in order of priority.

I was sidetracked today when a "stranger" who had been speaking to my mother about helping out in the gardens actually showed up and wanted to help. I have become somewhat cynical these past couple of years as a result of "strangers" who start out with so much interest in the property and it usually turns out they "want" something.
I don't mind people wanting something. I mind them not being honest.

Today's stranger helped. He really helped trimming back the raspberry bushes, the leaves of the plants that have wilted by the severe frost. He really touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes when he told me that the garden has been calling him for the past two years. He told me that he felt something that he could not explain while there. He told me that he could feel the soul of the yard.

It made sense to me. I know whose soul he felt. It is true that my father still lives here amongst the beautiful plants and the vineyard. All planted with his sweat and love....

Did you send the "stranger" along PAI? Did you send him because you want to restore my faith in mankind?

I have tried really hard not to show how much I miss you. I have! But the truth is that it feels like a million years since I held you in my arms and felt your last breath leave your body....

I miss you. Thanks for the visit through the stranger.


Avozinha said...

Os caminhos de Deus...

Sheila said...

I'm so, so happy you are back.
Thank you for your kind wishes. Now I can visit you often.
I'm glad the stranger did not disappoint you, he must have been especially chosen...?