Sunday, September 21, 2008


I have been in Arizona since the beginning of the month. Quickly adjusted to the 100 plus degree temperatures. Now, 75 feels chilly. It will be interesting to see what happens when I return back East where the temperature has already dipped to 37 during the night.

This area feels like a different world from my usual surroundings. This town is very lovely, although it gives me an essence of surrealism. At times the feeling of twilight zone. It certainly makes it crystal clear that there are many different "Americas". This in many ways I see as being detrimental to the reality of what is our national reality. People living in these places cannot possibly realize that their privileged lives insulate them from the appalling state of older cities and the poverty and misery surrounding so many people.

Yes, it is true that life is much easier here. I cannot complain that I have had any negative experiences. I even ask myself why I choose to live amongst the "struggling". I could turn my back on "my reality" and choose an easy path. I could if I tried, many buts......

1 comment:

P. said...

"Maria da Fonte"

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