Friday, February 20, 2009

Dog Days

One usually refers to "dog days" in the summer time. My dog days are in the middle of the winter as I have given up on any sleep tonight. I could have slept (or I think I could have only because of the obstacles).

Rough night for man and beast alike. The house is rattling with the strong winds. The snow continues to fly furiously. The poor dogs are frightened by the sound of the wind. No, you are not in Arizona anymore! They pile into my small bed. I recently replaced the queen size to a twin to allow more space for my granddaughters crib. Not such a good move. Most of the bed is being taken up by the sweet critters.

Sleepiness abandoned me around 2AM. Neither the dogs or the baby (whose mother is down with a terrible cold and fever) could settle down. They finally have. Lucy buried under the covers. Bela sprawled across. The baby is still very fidgety and I hope it is not a sign that she is coming down with her mother's cold.

It is now 4 am. I will try to forget about the past six hours, including the cold spots I stepped on, courtesy of Miss Lucy. Yes. I will pretend that I just woke up from a wonderful restful sleep. Time to brew some coffee and re energize myself for a new day. Miss G. usually wakes up around five for a feeding.
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1 comment:

Sheila said...

Dear Melly, I forgot all about these other blogs you have..!
I was wondering where you were.
You sound very busy, when you have a minute, we must catch up.
Ivo had another surgery today... not good.