Sunday, April 12, 2009

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Had not seen these "treasures" since I left Portugal back in the 60's. My neighbor's mother who recently visited from San Diego brought me a box chuck full.

I cannot describe the sensation upon my first bite!

If there is a heaven, I believe I have an idea of what it feels like.


Avozinha said...

Nêsperas, amiga, ou magnórios, como se diz no Norte.

Maison Douce said...

Nesperas!!!! Que saudades!! What is the name in English? Oh, how I miss them!!!

Mélia said...

They are called "loquat" this side of the Atlantic.

I also miss diospiros, romas, cerejas (easier to find here) than nesperas. I miss figs, fresh beautiful figs, pingo de mel and the dark black ones.....but if I start listing them all, it would take an eternity.

It all ends up in one simple sentence. I miss "home".....